2024 AAAS HBCU Making and Innovation Showcase

The 2024 AAAS HBCU Making and Innovation Showcase was held on September 12-14th, 2024 at the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C. For resources from the showcase, check out the list below.

What is the HBCU Making and Innovation Showcase?

 The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) will support students and faculty from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) to participate in the AAAS HBCU Making and Innovation Initiative
Strengthening an Inclusive Innovation Ecosystem through an HBCU Community of Practice.

NSF Award Number 2332409

The AAAS HBCU Making and Innovation Showcase was developed to allow HBCU student entrepreneurs, inventors, and innovators to team together to design a hardware or software prototype that addresses one of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). With the SDGs as a guiding foundation, teams will be encouraged to research and address a solution to a problem in their hometown communities or the community surrounding their institution. 

Student teams that are selected to the cohort will receive year-long e-mentoring and professional development culminating with the in-person Showcase in Washington, DC, September 12th - 14th, where they will participate in 1.5 days of workshops and pitch competition.

The 2024 AAAS HBCU Making and Innovation Showcase will provide students and faculty participants with the following:

  • Student teams receive expert E-mentoring and professional development support from of their prototype design throughout the duration of their term in the cohort.

  • Faculty advisors receive professional development in areas of making, invention, innovation and entrepreneurship on HBCU campuses from leaders in those fields. 

  • Students and faculty advisors receive a travel award to cover lodging and flight to Washington, DC, September 12-14, 2024.

  • Student teams are able to "pitch" their prototype to compete for cash prizes, $1500 (1st place), $1000 (2nd place), $500 (3rd place). 

  • Following participation in the Showcase, student teams will receive an additional year of support to learn how to commercialize and bring their prototype to market.

For more information about the 2024 Showcase, view the resources below: