HBCU Innovation Resources Toolkit
The HBCU Innovation Resources Toolkit is designed to provide resources, training, and knowledge that will help students and faculty develop and enhance skills and expertise related to invention, innovation, making and entrepreneurship, and to develop a sense of belonging in the AAAS HBCU Making and Innovation Community of Practice.
Resources for HBCU Students & Faculty
Articles, publications, research, resources, and videos in invention, innovation, making and entrepreneurship.
Workshops and Webinars
Register for educational opportunities regarding technology transfer, innovation inspiration, and much more.
Funding Opportunities
Click here to apply for developmental awards, innovation funding, research grants, and other support for your ideas.
Internships and Fellowships
Don’t miss these educational and career-oriented opportunities for students, educators, and STEMM professionals.
In-person and hybrid convenings for students and faculty.
Guidance, advice, and support from STEMM professionals.
Prize Challenge
Participate in the DEBUT challenge, with over $145k in award money.