Utkarsh Goyal


Utkarsh Goyal, a Computer Science student at Philander Smith College. Co-founder of Mathematical and Sciences club on campus. Peer tutor in computer science and an RA on campus. Aims to be an entrepreneur in a tech-related field. Worked with academic advisors to develop Hotel Management System, Mobile Prototype Application, UX/UI research, and Imitate Jackson Pollock paintings using python. Have represented Philander Smith College at various events: AAAS HBCU Making and Innovation Showcase, ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference, Citi HBCU Innovation and Leadership Symposium, HBCU C2, Little Rock Tech Fest, etc. Recipient of Thomas Mason Scholarship (Tuition Ride), 4.0 Scholar Award, President's List, Ray Greenly Scholarship, Tapia Lyft Scholar, Citi CUPID Scholar.